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1. Your Claim Is Reviewed And Assigned to Recovery Expert

As a collection agency we have a lot of data. We will match your claim with an agent that statistics show is the most likely to recover your money. That can be based on the language that is spoken, the balance owed, geographical location, and other data points that relate to the Recovery Agent that has the highest success rate with similar claims. For example, we have agents that data shows are most likely to collect a $500 debt in California that is owed by a small business or homeowner. That same data will match other Recovery Agents that would be more than likely to collect a $500,000 account in a foreign country. Our analytical data shows what the most successful collection strategy will be and which Recovery Agent or Collection Attorney is most likely to collect your money. That is the Recovery Expert that will be selected to collect your money. This is what makes us a top debt collection service.

2. Contacting Your Debtor/Customer

We live in an Omni Channel World. Our debt collection service uses multiple channels of communication to contact your customer/debtor. That can be phone calls, text messages, emails, letters, and even dispatching a door-to-door collector to see your debtor. Long before the telephone, the only means of a collection agency collecting money in the 1950 thru the 70s era was to get out and knock on a door. In fact, with all of the phone calls that people get from “weird” numbers, and caller ID identifying the caller, many people just let the call go to voicemail and listen to the message to determine if they want to return the call. That means there is a higher likelihood that a door to door attempt to collect money will be required.

3. Status Reports

We aren’t the collection agency that will keep you in the dark. Our debt collection service sheds light on exactly what is going on with your accounts. How often we update you is really up to you. Most clients want weekly updates while others only want to know when the money is collected. When you become a client, we will review with you your expectations of when you want a status report. Keep in mind, we are always, a phone call, text message, visit, or email away!

5. Claim Resolved or Unresolved

If your debtor/customer pays you directly, let us know immediately. We will bill you for the collection agency service. If the debt is unresolved, we won’t close the account like the average debt collection service, we will discuss with you the steps that may be available for you to get your money. In other words, if we can’t collect your money, we don’t just say sorry and thanks, we can talk to you about bringing in an attorney who works on a straight contingency basis to collect your money in court.

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